Todoroki Big Bang
A Big Bang focused on Todoroki Shouto from Kohei Horikoshi’s series My Hero Academia!

Mod Caia
Caia is a Mod for zines and events such as Not My Forte, Lilies in Bloom, Imposter Syndrome, BNHA.MP3, SEROTONIN, Plain to Fame, the Izuku Big Bang, Shouyou Big Bang, and the KageHina Big Bang. They’re also a contributor for Some Spike it Hot!, Problem Child as a merch artist, Sprout as a writer, and Haven and Unbroken Bonds as a page artist; in Big Bangs, they’re an artist for TodoDeku and they write for KageHina, Shinsou, and Izuku.

Mod Ara
Ara has modded for various events over the past few years; including but not limited to the TDBK SubZero BB, Hades BB, DabiHub Exchange, and SasuSaku Trends Zine. Additionally, she has contributed as a writer to events such as the Misawa 2020 Exchange, HQ Big Bang, AtsuHina Exchange, Bakugou BB and many others.

Mod Dina
Dina is Head Mod for Creati’s Craft Compendium, Mod for Besitos Del Mar, and Mod Intern for B L O O M. They’ve also participated in a number of zines and events as a contributor, including (but certainly not limited to) writing for Lilies in Bloom, We Live To Sabotage, and Colouratura, and creating merch for Haven; in Big Bangs they write for Bakugou, KiriBaku Fantasy, and Shinsou, and are participating in the 2020 BNHA Holiday Exchange and the KamiSero Exchange!

Mod Rachiebird
Mod Rachie also moderates My Hero Galactic, and in the past has moderated the BNHA Backup Squad Bang and the BNHA Halloween Exchage 2020. She has also worked on art for My Hero Galactic, the BNHA Gift Exchange, the My Holiday Academia Exchange 2020, the Huwumi Minibang 2020, and Foxfire: A Kinoko Komori Zine.
October 16th - November 17th:
Interest Check Open
November 18th - November 30th:
Moderator Applications Open (results by December 5th)
November 17th - December 5th:
Promotion Period
December 6th:
All applications open
Artist + Writer apps close December 21st
Beta apps close December 30th
Pinch Hitter apps close January 4th, 2021
December 21st:
Summary submissions (writers) open
December 28th:
Summary submissions close
December 30th:
Summary viewing opens
January 4th, 2021:
Summary selections (artists) open
January 8th:
Summary selections close
A second round of summary selections will occur if needed January 10-11
January 11th:
Partners and teams announced
Contact Check-ins
January 25th
March 18th
Creation Check-ins
February 20th (25% completion)
March 20th (50% completion)
April 20th (90% completion)
Posting Dates
May 5th - Posting begins
May 16th - Posting ends
*Please note, all times are relative to Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5). These dates are subject to change.
What is the Todoroki Big Bang?
A: The Todoroki Big Bang is a Big Bang fan event centered around Todoroki Shouto of the manga/anime series My Hero Academia by Kohei Horikoshi.
What is a Big Bang?
A: A Big Bang, or Bang, is a fan event meant to create collaborative works of fanfiction and fanart based on specific characters and/or a theme. Writers begin by writing a story and the artists claim the chance to provide an accompanying art piece based on an early draft or summary.
What is this Bang’s theme?
A: The theme of this year’s Bang is Growth! Please remember that the theme is NOT mandatory and stands more as a suggestion to help writers brainstorm!
Will ships be allowed?
A: Yes, ships will be allowed! However, the majority of the focus should still be on Shouto as this is a Bang centered around him.
How do I participate? Can anyone join?
A: Everyone is welcome so long as they’re willing to commit to a finished piece. Participants will need to submit an application as either a writer, artist, pinch hitter, or beta. Applications will be made available December 6th.
Will I need Discord to participate?
A: Yes. Most, if not all, communication with participants will be done through Discord.
Will I be able to apply as both a writer and an artist? Do more than one piece?
A: Participants may sign-up to produce a max of two pieces. That could be two distinct stories, two illustrations, or one of each. We highly suggest you evaluate your workload in the coming months before committing to more than one piece. Remember, a call for pinch hitters will go out later further into the event.
What is a pinch hitter?
A: A pinch hitter is someone who steps in to fill a role when another participant drops out. Someone who’s able to help out in a pinch.
Can minors participate?
A: Since this is a SFW Bang, minors are allowed to participate!
Are there any content restrictions?
A: NSFW content is not allowed as Mod Caia and Mod Dina are both minors at this time.
A friend and I wish to work together, can we join as a pair?
A: Yes, we will accept prearranged collaborators. Just let a mod know when applications open.
Is having a Twitter or Tumblr necessary?
Tumblr or Twitter is not necessary - though you should still have somewhere to post your finished piece when it is done!
Will the finished bang be uploaded on a website?
At posting period, artists and writers will upload their own works to whatever social medias they use (Tumblr, Twitter, Ao3, etc). Then the Todoroki Bang accounts will either reblog, retweet, or post a link to the works.
Will mods be assigning partners?
Mods will be assigning partners. Artists will be asked to submit which fics they would most like to illustrate, and then they will be assigned to a writer based on that.
Do you have any requirements for size or programs used when making the artwork?
Artists need to complete one fully colored piece with a background. For traditional art, photos/scans must be reasonably high quality. Other than that, there are no requirements, so feel free to work with whatever size/program you think is best.
For the question on the Artist sign-up form about whether or not you would be willing to work with two writers, is that referring to two writers that are collaborating on one piece or two writers with two separate pieces?
This question is asking whether you would be willing to illustrate for two separate fics if there were more writers than artists. However, we’re just gauging possible willingness right now. You don’t have to commit to anything until you fill out the claims form.
I have more questions, who do I contact?
A: You may contact a mod through a Tumblr ask, Twitter, or CuriousCat. Links are located on the front of this Carrd.
General Guidelines for Participants:
The minimum word count for writers is 5k. There’s no cap, but remember it must be complete by the post date.Artists are required to complete a full colored illustration.The creation period will be 6 months. (Check our schedule for dates!)Participants may sign-up for more than one role, but no more than two.Artists may claim more than one summary if numbers allow.
General Rules:
All stories and art must be newly made for the Todoroki Big Bang.Plagiarism will result in an immediate drop from the project.No significant amount of the pieces should be posted publicly before the Bang’s official posting dates. We’re trying to keep everything a surprise.Respect all participants. No hate speech or personal attacks will be tolerated.
Content Rules:
The following content is not allowed under any circumstance:
Underage / Any NSFW contentAdult/Minor relationshipsNon-con
The following content must be tagged upon public posting. Refusal to tag will result in the story and/or art being pulled from the event.
Major Character DeathGraphic depictions of violence beyond canon typicalAny extreme content (ask a mod if unsure)